Traditional Drawing Gallery

We also practice ink art daily to stay in shape. Everyone should draw daily, even if it's not for a project or skill. It's a great way to keep the creative mind sharp and the ability to think outside the box.

Pen & Ink Sketch Artist Society

We're also founder of the Pen & Ink Sketch Artist Society

Some of these were made to try out our fountain pen hobby and create works for our online Facebook group we founded last year. It's a great way to share our work and see others'.

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Some works don't fit in any category but worth sharing anyways. Most of these are pencil or reference based art. In many cases we lean toward line art than value based stuff but both are good to practice.

Digital Experiments

Earlier in our career we tried digital concept painting. It's interesting to see the results one gets with different brushes. It's admirable when someone can pursuit this full time. In our case with too many interests and often art competing with code and game design, it's preferable to draw on paper than on the computer. It's distracting to focus on digital drawing when there's so many other buttons to push.

Someday we'll get back into concept art and complete full pieces. For now, it's enjoyable to share some of our results. Art is an ever constant learning process. You can't have reward without risk.